Safety of Women is at Stake : Women Empowerment is only a narrative

Bhubaneswar: If the woman is not safe at her work place then which is the place she would feel secure and safe. She was at her work. A woman is taking rest after long hectic thirty six hour non stop work. The question comes to mind why she faced this brutality which took her life.

Hospitals are known to be the safest place for anybody and doctors are the saviors. This heinous crimes states something completely opposite. No place is safe for a woman. Let alone patients the doctors are facing this fatal deaths which later declared as suicide. Covering up a inhuman crime is nothing but a failure of humanity.

The authorities are saying the women staff and doctors should not be given night shifts. Is not it the regression of our mindset and pulling the women back to about 20 years back. Instead of penalizing the perpetrators, punishing the criminals the government and the authorities are busy punishing the victims and the women at large once again. Taking away the rights of the women is not the right approach to such crimes.

Prevailing equality is still limited to the pen and papers, academic syllabus and conference halls. The real equality is not yet present in the minds of the men. These heinous acts are committed not because of the male desire towards a female or anything but it is committed to show the women that they are inferior. It the superiority complex that make the men do this.

There are instances that some women misuse the laws but where there are clear evidence of the culprit the punishment has to be stricter and instant. It should set an example that if one commits such brutality the consequences will be in a certain way. These has to be fear amongst the perpetrators.

There are so many cases which are not even registered. Ones which are registered are not getting justice. It is a matter of shame that no woman in this country can trust our authorities, judiciary system and the government.
