The Future of Mankind in the Advent of AI

BHUBANESWAR: Artificial intelligence has brought a huge transformation on 20 January in the world. The impact is shown all across the globe. China has made a techno startup company named ‘Hang  Zu Deep Seek’ public. Currently, there are three main AI tools such as Chart GPT of the Open AI, Gemini ai of Google and Lama of Meta. All these three tools have been providing paid and advanced services world wide. But there could be a common man’s question here: why is the world so thrilled about the Deepseek. 

After the market entry of Deepseek, the technology and AI industry in America is in turmoil. In mere one week the American currency dollar has dropped by one lakh crores in the security market. The president of America, Donald Trump has finally announced in the media that the Deepseek of China is a threat to America. The Hang Zu Deepseek has been opened for universal use and research. It is stated that it is more intelligent than any other AI tools available in the world currently. It has been made only in two years and with very little capital. At the same time the company has promised to provide non stop service as the Open AI did during the time of Chart GPT. Now the Open AI is charging money to provide even very basic  services. But Deepseek cannot turn away from its promise in future because its code has been made public. Any technical engineer can download the code, make the required changes in it, make a new exact piece and either use it for themselves or sell to the consumer. The companies like Microsoft and Perplexity have already done this and released the exact copy of Deepseek to the market. 

This is the reason why the dictatorship of the American technological industry has come to an end. The chief manager of Open AI Sam Altman had been preaching that it was beyond the capacity of the global south to make any AI tools. It has been proved that there is going to be tough competition in the field of AI in the coming times. Many companies will enter this field and provide different kinds of facilities. These facilities will come along with other difficulties as well. These issues will have to be analyzed and resolved with caution and if needed it will have to be controlled. In such conditions, the importance of AI conferences has increased. The third AI executive conference was held on 10 February in the capital city of France, Paris. In this conference about 58 countries including India had participated. There were many representatives from the field of AI also present. 

AI has both positive and negative sides like deterioration of creativity of the people, increase of unemployment, and issues like stealing of data etc. But the more the use of AI increases, the higher the negative impact persists in society. The general AI tools require huge data structures, servers, and other complicated electronic equipment. It needs a lot of electricity to be running all the time. The equipment needs to be kept at a particular temperature. So there is a need for plenty of electricity for cold storage. During 2030, about 21 percent of the global power expenditure would be invested in AI. According to the 2024-25 financial survey of India, the demand of electricity power in India is 1580 Terawatt hours. After another five years, the AI industry will consume almost this much electricity. As a result, the greenhouse effect will increase to impact the environment. This was the main topic of discussion in the AI conference this time. 

In the AI conference, a declaration was signed. But America and England did not sign on it. America has once again indicated that environment and business cannot be in one dictionary for them. Britain cited the reason for not signing the declaration does not fulfill the criteria to resolve the current issue related to AI. But big change come from small steps. Europe had been controlling the AI till date. The use of AI has been banned in most of the universities in Europe. Now that AI is growing rapidly, Europe has also indicated to enter into this field. America has stated If we want innumerable growth in AI research and development, there should not be any restrictions on AI. No country or representative present in the conference did mention about the job loss happening due to the growth of AI. It was decided in the conference that a supervisors team will be formed to analyze the impact and growth of AI in different fields. No suitable work boundaries has been set for the spread and control of AI. 

India has proposed for universalizing the codes of  all kinds of AI tools hoping to bring clarity, transparency and trust in the field. Though there is no accurate information on the position of research on AI tools in India, still it is believed that we will get our home made AI tools in market soon. But the greatest problem will be the technological industries in the big techno countries like China, America and Europe won’t sit silent. The AI tools would come to market like today’s mobile apps. All of them would target to win over the huge market in India. So the protection of personal, government information, data, misuse of deep fake images and  videos, disinformation like problems will become the biggest challenges to overcome for the government. But it will become easy and suitable for the access of education, academic studies by universalizing  the codes. The human resources in India would be benefited from this facility and the unemployment could also be addressed to a great extent. 

The AI tools should be used in causes line agriculture, education, health, government services, natural disaster management, socio – economic growth. As a result it can gain good outcomes for the country and society. The next AI conference will be conducted in India. The world leaders and the AI companies will be needed. Every body should work together to construct a developed human civilization without any problem and hurdles around. 
