The Odisha Budget: 2025-26

Bhubaneswar: In the 2025-26 Odisha budget, many new initiatives have been taken, new government schemes have been launched for the development of the state. In this budget, it is discussed about ‘ Bikshit Odisha ‘ by  2036. There are a number of aspects which need to be achieved by the targeted time frame to reach the end goal.

1- Climate Ready Odisha: to focus on the climatic conditions of the systevas it is highly prone to constant natural calamities. The continuous natural disasters damage agriculture as well as the economic conditions of the people. So there will be a special focus on the climatic conditions in the state for both agriculture and industry. 

2- Arnadata: This indicates the focus towards the production of food grains, manufacturing of other essential products etc. 

3- Samruddhi: Growth and prosperity of the state will become a priority. 

4- Samanata: The development initiatives will be undertaken through all the citizens of the state without any discrimination of any kind. 

5- Investment in People: The government believes the people and the youth particularly are the biggest assets. So the major capital investments should be on human resources.

6- People’ s Government: The government will always be people’ s friendly. All the schemes and policies will be for the sole betterment of the people. 

7- Odia Asmita: The pride of the state will be the main priority in every field. 

8- Regional Parity: As the budget will concentrate on the people, the initiative are going to be undiscriminating and people’s friendly, there will be focus on the regional disparity. 

9- Sustha Odisha: The health sector is going to be more advanced, efficient and easy to access for the common people. Every citizen will get the right chance for their health benefits at the right time. 

These are the nine main objectives of the 2025-26 Odisha budget where there will be focused and planned initiatives for a better and developed Odisha. 

In Odisha the industrial sector has the highest contribution to the state’s GDP. Whereas in the country the service sector contributes the highest to the GDP. But in Odisha state, the industrial sector (secondary sector) is the highest contributor, then the service sector ( tertiary sector) and agriculture sector ( primary sector) is at the last. 

The economic growth of Odisha is 7.37 which is higher than the country’s economic growth. The per capita income of Odisha is consistently on rise since the last two decades. When the per capita income increases, it shows the GDP is also growing. 

The Sources of the Money in the budget: 

The current budget allocates 2, 65000 crores for Odisha. Out of this, 20 percent comes from the capital receipts ( infrastructure, roads, education , health etc.), own tax is 23 percent ( the state government tax ), grants from the center  is 14 percent, non tax items, 21 percent ( fines, and other such ways), central tax ( the tax amount given by the finance commission of the country) is 22 percent. 

The Expenditure: Disaster Management Fund will get 1 per cent. The local governance such as district administration and panchayats will get 3 percent,  37 percent for the administration, the program expenditure, social security schemes etc will get 59 percent. 
