Bhubaneswar: Veteran Biju Janata Dal leader Baijayant Jay Panda slammed his own party-men who allegedly didn’t allow an ambulance to pass during the party’s ‘Odisha Hak Pain Hartal’ protest against Centre’s fuel price hike on Monday. Panda said, “ Shameful. I dissociate from & condemn this (I can’t on party’s behalf since I’m no longer the spokesperson). These goons must face action.” Again the MP vomits, “This isn’t the party I assisted NP to found 20yrs ago. I’m ashamed & angered by this. Biju babu wd’ve been too. Armchair strategists must go”.
The original tweet had slammed BJD workers for not allowing an ambulance to proceed. “BJD decision to exclude emergency services from #HakPainHartal a farce as party activists do not allow an ambulance to proceed #Odisha, (sic)” the tweet read.
“BJD has called for a hartal today against the hike in prices of petroleum products. The hartal will continue from 7 am to 12 noon. We request the people to support us and give a strong message to PM Narendra Modi,” said an senior BJD MLA.
-By Odisha Age