Responsibility of the Youth

Bhubaneswar: Now, from Mumbai to Bhubaneswar metropolis the people are stunned by the activities of the youth. The role of the youth in many anti-social activities is growing unexpectedly. We know that the lion share of the Indian population is youth. For the next twenty years, the youth population is going to be on the higher side. Young people between the age group of 15 to 29 are included in the youth category based on the Government of India’s 2014 youth policy. But in general, young people between the ages of 15 and 35 are being treated as young people in India in terms of employment, awards and various sectors. Many schemes of the Government of India and the State Government of India are giving priority to the education and employment of the youth. Lending through banks and voluntary participation of young people in agriculture, education and cottage industry and trade, as well as many government benefits are also mentioned. Despite all these opportunities, the youth of the country are very confused and undisciplined. Young people are at the forefront of every anti-social activity published in the media. In the villages, many young people are living a life of disease and depression and abuse their parents by getting addicted to drugs. If given a closer look at the life of young people now, it reveals that the younger generation leading a posh and lavish lifestyle is completely disrupted from within. Some of the youngsters are on the verge of disaster to achieve wealth and fame. Drug abuse in particular has severely damaged India’s youth. So the question arises of who is responsible for this situation. The answer to this question is both parents and the children can be equally held responsible for this situation. We know at this age young people get distracted easily. Therefore it is pertinent for parents to look after every activity of their children with priority. Earlier, the responsibility of governing children was vested in both educational institutions and parents. Nowadays, the responsibility of the children is only in the hands of the parents. The children will surely become arbitrary if the parents do not take their responsibility seriously. The current environment helps the youth in many ways to become arbitrary. So the youngsters also need to restrain themselves. Life is not just about lust, desire and money. The child should learn this theory from his parents. The youth should follow the great men of reform and read enlightening books. The young man must give priority to personality rather than wealth and knowledge. If you have the willpower to keep yourself on the right path, the human conscience will automatically turn you into it. However, many young people are working for a better service to the country and being praised for helping develop the country. For the people for whom the country, the society and the parents are being blamed and criticised, it’s time for those to change for the better. Young people need to understand how their behaviour affects society as much as it affects them, and the next generation is also on the road to destruction.
Every country in the world is looking at the youth of the country. The world is well aware that if the youth of India devote themselves to their country and concentrate on the development of the country, the world will bow down to India. So the challenge of the time is for the young people in India to stay away from illicit activities such as drug abuse and terrorism and live a reformed life.
