Bhubaneswar: The Transport Allowance for the government employees have been revised. The TA allowance will be implemented from 1 February as published in an advertisement released by the department of finance, Government of Odisha.
The transportation allowances are decided by the committee of the finance ministry of the state from the increasing fuel price. There has been no revision in the TA since the last eight years and now it has been changed. The government officials will have to pay more for their transportation from their house to the office.
The divisional administrative secretary, special administrative secretary, divisional director and RDCs will pay Rs 2520 instead of Rs 1680 per month. Administrative departmental officers and the other departmental officers using the office transportation jointly will have to pay Rs 1680 instead of Rs 1120. The other officers using the vehicle will pay Rs 2100 instead of Rs 1400. Similarly, the Collector, Deputy Collector and the Superintendent of Police have to pay Rs 1680 rather than Rs 1120. This rule is going to be implemented from 1 February, 2025.
The advertisement also indicates that the officials have to pay Rs 2520 up to the maximum of 300 km distance and from the distance of 300 to 500 km, Rs 4200 for any personal work/ use of office vehicles. From 1 February, the monthly allowance will be charged accordingly as 3780 and 6300 rupees. The government officials can use the government vehicles by paying the revised allowances. The TA for the officials who travel from Cuttack to Bhubaneswar or Bhubaneswar to Cuttack has remained unchanged at Rs 6000 per month. So if one vehicle is used in sharing by the officials, the allowance will also be
charged in sharing, as per the notification.